5th Annual Hudson Mad Hatters’ Parade
Hudson’s homegrown parade of wearable art returns, bringing together the city’s diverse communities in a shared spectacle of the nonsensical.
The Mad Hatters’ Parade is open to anyone. Come out and show off your handmade heterodox headwear, your ambulatory objets d’art, your bricollage berets and haute couture contraptions! Sashay to the musical mischief of Brasskill, chime in with the Djam Gong Gamelan, or bring your own cacophonous contraptions to augment the joyful noise. The Parade steps off from the Hudson Area Library at 2PM and follows a zig-zag route, ending in a final sashay and ice cream social at Promenade Hill Park.
More at madhattersparade.org, where you can sign up for our free Mad Hat Slam wearable-art workshop, join our Readymade Brigade, or volunteer to marshal the millinery mayhem.