Art Exhibition – Nancy O’Hara “Pressing Matters”
After a brief winter break, Window on Hudson is delighted to launch its 2024 season with an exhibition of printmaker Nancy O’Hara. For “Pressing Matters” she has created numerous new, large scale monoprints for the windows and indoor exhibition space. Along with these new works hang smaller works which inspired the project.
An O’Hara print gives the viewer a collection of simple abstract shapes to meditate on, asking us to consider their color, their blurred or hard borders, how they overlap, and how these shapes relate to one another. She would not tell a viewer what to feel when they look at her work, but for her the intent is clear. She hopes to communicate with people – to communicate her joy of life and the peace and tranquility that she feels. This joy doesn’t necessarily come easy, the pressing matters in our world weigh on her, but through meditation and her artistic practice, she is able to find daily peace.