“Behind the Scenes: An Intimate View into the Studios of Local Artists”
Kinderhook Memorial Library presents
“Behind the Scenes: An Intimate View into the
Studios of Local Artists”
Kinderhook Memorial Library celebrates area artists with a tour of their studios on April 29 and 30, 2023, “Behind the Scenes: An Intimate View into the Studios of Local Artists”.
Proceeds from this event will directly support the youth programs and activities throughout the year, such as the Summer Reading Program and the Battle of the Books.
This tour will provide a glimpse of artists, their works, and what has informed and influenced their particular artistic expression. This diverse studio tour includes painting, pottery, textiles, children’s illustrations, and photography. The event will be self-guided and a map to the studios will be provided. Artwork by the artists will be available for purchase.
Artists from Kinderhook, Stuyvessant, Valatie, and Ghent represented in this Artists Studio Tour weekend include Fern Apfel, Matt Buckner, Laura Cannamela, Ramiro Davaro, Tara Fracalossi, Ralph Gartner, Christopher Griffiths, Patrick Harbron, Osheen Harruthoonyan, Karen Hummel, Sandra Koponen, Grace Lang, Ellen Lynch, John Morra, Donna Moylan, Tracey Campbell Pearson, Andrew Pellettieri, Nancy Rutter, Anne Schaefer, Thomas Vail, Darren Waterston.
Standard tour tickets are $30.00 for the two-day tour event. A special-event ticket for $100.00 includes the tour and a Saturday evening cocktail party with the artists and other tour-goers at John Morra’s magnificent studio in Stuyvessant. Tour hours are April 29, 1-5 pm, cocktail party 5:30-8 pm and April 30, 11 am-3 pm. Additional information and ticket purchasing can be found on the KML Artists Studio Tour.
For all questions and inquiries, including press, please contact event organizer, Brad Lohrenz at brad.lohrenz@gmail.com or 646 621-7102.