Flatbed Follies
Saturday, July 8, 2pm
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus brings Free Mobile Circus to Hudson
FREE – Showtimes at 3pm and 5pm
Warren Street between Front & First Streets
On Saturday, July 8 (rain date July 9) the ornately decorated Bindlestiff Flatbed Follies mobile circus trucks will set up on lower Warren Street between Front Street and First Street, with a block-party style event from 2pm – 6:30 pm. In addition to Bindlestiff’s professional cast shows (In English and Spanish) at 3pm and 5pm, there will be circus skills workshops for all, performances by Bindlestiff’s Cirkus After School students, and activities and information offered by Operation Unite New York, Columbia County Healthcare Consortium, The Flow Chart Foundation, and other agencies. Kite’s Nest Re-Gen Program will be there with their bicycle-powered Smoothie station, and The Toolshed will offer a solar-powered charging station, and favorite local food vendors will offer great tastes.
About the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc. (BFVA) is a nonprofit performing arts organization whose mission is to bring joy and wonder into the world. Bindlestiff cultivates, develops, and sustains the circus and variety arts by celebrating tradition while maintaining an irreverent spirit that keeps the circus arts current, accessible, and relevant. Bindlestiff produces world-class performances, provides grants to emerging artists and facilitates youth development programs. http://bindlestiff.org follow @bindlestifffamilycirkus on Facebook and Instagram. To donate, visit http://bindlestiff.org/support/
Produced by Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to the preservation and evolution of the variety arts. This program is made possible, in part, by: The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; The National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Grant; The Spark of Hudson; and a community of donors and supporters.
To find out more: www.bindlestiff.org
ESPANOL – El 8 de Julio, En Hudson, los camiones decorados con adornos de Bindlestiff Flatbed Follies se instalarán en la parte baja de Warren Street, entre Front Street y First Street, donde se celebrará una fiesta de 14.00 a 18.30 horas. Además de los espectáculos del circo profesional de Bindlestiff (en Español y Ingles) a las 15.00 y a las 17.00 horas, habrá talleres de habilidades circenses para todos, actuaciones de los alumnos de Cirkus After School de Bindlestiff y actividades e información ofrecidas por Operation Unite New York, Columbia County Healthcare Consortium, The Flow Chart Foundation y otros organismos. Kite’s Nest Re-Gen Program estará presente con su estación de Smoothie alimentada por bicicletas, y The Toolshed ofrecerá una estación de carga alimentada por energía solar, y los vendedores de comida locales favoritos ofrecerán deliciosas degustaciones.
Acerca del Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc. (BFVA) es una organización de artes escénicas sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es llevar alegría y asombro al mundo. Bindlestiff cultiva, desarrolla y sostiene las artes circenses y de variedades celebrando la tradición y manteniendo al mismo tiempo un espíritu irreverente que mantiene las artes circenses actuales, accesibles y relevantes. Bindlestiff produce espectáculos de talla mundial, concede becas a artistas emergentes y facilita programas de desarrollo para jóvenes. http://bindlestiff.org siga a @bindlestifffamilycirkus en Facebook e Instagram. Para donar, visite http://bindlestiff.org/support/.
Producido por Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc, una organización sin ánimo de lucro 501(c)(3) dedicada a la preservación y evolución de las artes de variedades. Este programa es posible, en parte, gracias a: El Consejo de las Artes del Estado de Nueva York, con el apoyo de la Oficina del Gobernador y de la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva York; The National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Grant; The Spark of Hudson; y una comunidad de donantes y simpatizantes.