FREE POETRY WORKSHOP—Close Readings in a Virtual Space: with Jennifer Bartlett
This free, participatory event (taking place via Zoom) features Jennifer Bartlett, one of The Flow Chart Foundation’s favorite poets, leading an intimate, virtual group reading-through/thinking through of “Report from Liberty Street” by Charles Bernstein. Neither explicitly teaching nor explaining, our special guest poet will serve as your expert tour-guide to explore this featured poem as a group.
Whether already well-versed in the “close reading” of poems or having never been quite sure you’ve been “getting it,” CLOSE READINGS IN A VIRTUAL SPACE provides a digital gathering for taking a refreshing deep dive into poetry.
Actively participate or simply listen and learn!
The event will last about an hour and conclude with a brief reading of poetry by our special guest poet.
For more information or to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/close-readings-in-a-virtual-space-with-jennifer-bartlett-tickets-464611514547