International Fortepiano Salon #7
The Academy of Fortepiano Performance International Fortepiano Salon #7 features highlights from the August 24-29, 2021 summer workshop at the Catskill Mountain Foundation’s Piano Performance Museum in Hunter, New York.
Salon #7 will show excerpts from the concerts and some of the lecture-recitals by participants. Audrey Axinn, Maria Rose, and Yi-heng Yang, as well as some of the participants, will describe their experiences and the importance of playing and performing on these instruments, using images and photos of special moments during the workshop. Salon #7’s spectacular highlights memorialize a special time of fortepiano study in the Catskill Mountains. Participate via Catskill Mountain Foundation’s Facebook or YouTube pages on October 30 at 8PM (EDT). For more information or to register to receive the link to Salon #7, visit catskillmtn.org or academyfortepiano.org.