May 31 – July 14

Opening Reception: Friday, May 31st, 5-7pm

From contemplative landscapes conceived in poignant realism to throbbing flashes of deep abstraction rendered with rich textures and dynamism, CREATE Gallery’s new exhibit is a veritable buffet of sensations. “Seen Scenes” brings together the collected works of fifty-two of its member artists from Greene, Columbia and Schoharie counties, as well as from from neighboring towns of the Hudson Valley and Capital Region.

CREATE’s call for art invited its membership to widely interpret the theme, whether literally (ie. still life, plein air painting, a tableau photograph) or metaphorically with a depiction of a memory or dream. These annual member exhibits generate an enthusiastic response and this 2024 installment is no exception. “Seen Scenes” resulted in two floors of gallery space devoted to visual arts of nearly every medium.

An opening reception for “Seen Scenes – Member Show 2024” will be held on Friday, May 31st from 5 to 7pm. This exhibit will run from May 31st to July 14th.

CREATE Gallery is located at 398 Main Street in Catskill, NY.

Featured Member Artists

Abbie Zuidema
Ailian Price
Alice Tunison
Amy Silberkleit
Ann Morris
Annette Jaret
Becca Van K
Brad Schwebler
Chris DeMarco
Dan McCormack
Debra Trebitz
Debra Bechtold
Elizabeth diGiacomantonio
Elizabeth Jacks
Eric Longo
Eva Melas
Heatherlyn Martin
Heidi Mandato
Jacqueline Oster
Jamie Taylor
Jesse Sanchez
Jim Ebersole
John Seekamp
Joy Wolf
Joyce Polance
Julie Chase

K. Velis Turan
Karen Rhodes
Kate Masters
Kim Bach
Kristen DeFontes
Ksenia Winnicki
Lee Rogers
Lucy Bohnsack
Marilynn Rowley
Meryl Learnihan
Nancy de Flon 
Natalie Boburka
Pam Poquette
Pamela Quick
Regina Quinn
Ritva Babcock
Sage Adorno
Sandra Pysher
Scott Keidong
Sherry Wack
Shirin Mazdeyasna
Stephen Spretnjak
Steve Z. Soszynski
Sylvia Mueller
Tasha Depp
Yoko Izu


May 31 2024 - Jul 14 2024


8:00 am
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