Village of Chatham WinterFest 2023
Saturday, Dec. 9, noon into evening
Chatham, NY
The village of Chatham, NY, will hold its annual WinterFest on Saturday, December 9, 2023. The fun includes a cookie contest, dance demonstrations, strolling carolers, Santa Claus, hay wagon rides and more!
Before noon: Deliver clearly labeled Christmas Cookie entries to the Crandell Theater.
Noon-3:00: Sternfeld Dance Studio team dances to Nutcracker in Beach & Bartolo windows
Noon-2:00: Visit Santa Claus at the Crandell Theater until 1:00, then find him strolling the Village sidewalks until 2:00
Noon-5:00: Chatham Wine & Liquor features a wine and cheese tasting
1:00-3:00: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas at the Crandell Theater FREE! 1:30-2:00: Judging for Christmas Cookie Contest
MacHaydn singers will perform on the steps of the Tracy Memorial
3:00: Christmas Cookie Contest Winners announced (with cash prizes!) at the Crandell Theater
3:00-4:00: Strolling Carolers
All Day
● Hay wagon rides leaving from Park Row
● Holiday Raffle: Get a free raffle ticket anytime you purchase something from a village shop for a chance to win a basket of goodies from the village shops (including gift certificates!)
● Arts Walk: Enjoy seeing art by local artists in exhibited in village shops
● All restaurants will be serving holiday fare, such as Bimi’s Cheese Shop serving up their famous melty, yummy Raclette and Bimi’s Canteen serving spiced hot chocolate and hot mulled cider after 5:00.
Contact: Karen Kaczmar at 518-392-2843 or karenkaczmar@gmail.com