WGXC & LBC Community Soup Night Kick Off!
Thursday, Jan. 11, 5-7pm
Join Wave Farm’s WGXC as we help Left Bank Ciders kick off their Community Soup Night season! There will be soups, a live on-site broadcast of the “WGXC Afternoon Show” co-hosted by Selha Graham and Tom DePietro, and DJ set by WGXC Volunteer Programmer Yeshi who hosts the show “NORMLRadio“! Come on out for cozy soup, conversation, and some tunes. All proceeds go to Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM.
Each Thursday night Left Bank Ciders hosts Community Soup Night, where volunteers make soup with proceeds benefiting a local non-profit. This fun and successful evening raises significant funds for organizations close to Left Bank Ciders’ hearts, and we couldn’t be more grateful that they’ve chosen WGXC as the beneficiary to close out their season!
Left Bank Ciders
150 Water St.
Catskill, NY 12414