Looking forward to this opening reception at Create Council on the Arts this Saturday. And the added bonus of drinks, snacks and LIVE music at Citiot starting at 5pm the same day!

Join us for the opening on 11/20/21 of • Selects-@-CREATE • a new exhibit at CREATE curated by Daniel Aycock and Kathleen Vance of Front Room Gallery, in conjunction with Open Source Gallery.
The opening reception will be held on November 20 from 2-7pm, with our neighbor Citiot holding a closing reception for their current pop-up gallery the same day! LIVE music and complimentary drinks and snacks at Citiot starting at 5pm.
Artists at Citiot: Tina Chaden, Zach @imresin, Simon Perschbacher and Joost Swarte.
CREATE Council on the Arts – 398 Main Street, Catskill
Citiot – 404 Main Street, Catskill
@CREATEcouncil @CREATE.council
Open Source Gallery – 306 17th St Brooklyn, NY 11215
Front Room Gallery – 48 Hester Street• NYC, NY 10002
#opensourcegallery #frontroomgallery #CREATE #CREATEcouncil #createcouncilonthearts #citiot #NYCitiot