THE INDUSTRIALIST book signing was a huge success!
We had a great time on Saturday, May 14 at THE INDUSTRIALIST book signing event. Many thanks to creative team Burton C. Bell, Noel Guard and Vachel Shannon, E.J. Santiago, Steve Kirwan, Marie and the entire staff at Kirwan’s Game Store. And a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support the artists!!
Vachel Shannon (left) Noel Guard (center) Burton C. Bell (right) stand in front of the original artwork for THE INDUSTRIALIST graphic novelNoel Guard, Vachel Shannon, Burton C. BellBurton C. Bell, Niva Dorell (visual arts director), Vachel Shannon, Noel GuardMichelle is thrilled to get her signed copy of THE INDUSTRIALIST!!Kirwan’s store manager E.J. Santiago gets his copy of THE INDUSTRIALIST signed.Thanks, guys!!