Showing Up Authentically Online

WED, Oct. 1112PM – ONLINE / ZOOM (60 min.)Instructor: Eimy Figueroa This workshop is about finding a gentler and more sustainable approach to sharing your brand’s story using Social Media as a tool. Learn to showcase your true essence in order to forge deeper bonds with your community by showing up online with content that… Continue reading Showing Up Authentically Online

Newsletter For Artists 101

WED, Oct. 45:30pm – ONLINE / ZOOMInstructor: Jen Hewett In this workshop, we’ll break down the whole newsletter process – from finding your audience, to choosing a newsletter platform, to writing content, and more! Jen Hewett is a printmaker, surface designer, textile artist, and author based in the Hudson Valley. Jen’s work combines her love… Continue reading Newsletter For Artists 101

Personal Branding For Artists

WED, Sept. 2012pm – ONLINE / ZOOM (60 min)Instructor: Georgia Wright A personal brand has become essential for artists in order to capture the attention of collaborators, curators, galleries, collectors, critics, and beyond. This workshop will lead participants through methods to define and express their personal brands in ways that feel genuine and connected to their practice.… Continue reading Personal Branding For Artists

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